Cross Stitch King

Best Cross Stitch King Cheats, Tips & Guides

Published by MOBIRIX

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Cross Stitch King Intro

Cross Stitch King game cheats and tips/guides  Cross Stitch King game cheats and tips/guides  Cross Stitch King game cheats and tips/guides  Cross Stitch King game cheats and tips/guides  Cross Stitch King game cheats and tips/guides  

Does a particular Cross Stitch King Level seem impossible to beat? Not to worry - We'll provide the best tips, tricks, and cheats to beat any Level of this game. Enjoy our hints, walkthroughs and guides to come out on top any Cross Stitch King Level.

Cross Stitch King is an iPhone and Android Game, developed by MOBIRIX. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers, with the latest current version being 1.3.2. As a testament to the app's popularity, it has gathered a total of 586 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.686 out of a possible 5.

Video Manual: Cross Stitch King Gameplay

Cross Stitch King Cheats, Tips and Guides

How does Cross Stitch King game work?

The rule is simple and easy! If you put the same color in the square, it becomes a stitch. Fill in all the squares to complete the patterns [Features] - Various themes of patterns: food, animals, flowers, paintings, landscapes, transportations, art - Three different sizes of patterns supported - Easily accessible and intuitive UI - No charge to use stitch patterns - Easily complete cross stitches with magic items. - Import images from your device and use them as patterns - Achievement and leaderboard supported - 16 languages supported - fun game, free game, no wifi, no internet [How to control] - Zoom in and out: use two fingers to zoom in and out - Move: touch two fingers to move - Knot: select a color and fill the color in the square - Remove Knotting: select knotting removal on the menu and touch the part to remove. Facebook : YouTube :
