Race Horses Champions for iPhone

Best Race Horses Champions for iPhone Cheats, Tips & Guides

Published by Lucas Ferreira Franca

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Race Horses Champions for iPhone Intro

Race Horses Champions for iPhone game cheats and tips/guides  Race Horses Champions for iPhone game cheats and tips/guides  Race Horses Champions for iPhone game cheats and tips/guides  

Does a particular Race Horses Champions for iPhone Level seem impossible to beat? Not to worry - We'll provide the best tips, tricks, and cheats to beat any Level of this game. Enjoy our hints, walkthroughs and guides to come out on top any Race Horses Champions for iPhone Level.

Race Horses Champions for iPhone is an iPhone and Android Game, developed by Lucas Ferreira Franca. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers, with the latest current version being 1.7. As a testament to the app's popularity, it has gathered a total of 70 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.58571 out of a possible 5.

Video Manual: Race Horses Champions for iPhone Gameplay

Race Horses Champions for iPhone Cheats, Tips and Guides

How does Race Horses Champions for iPhone game work?

Race Horses Champions is an amazing game with 3D graphics, that mixes arcade style with characteristics of simulation. The game brings the experiences and emotions of a horse race in immersive environment. Managing your money and your stable, the player buys his horses, which has its own attributes, and participates in events to test their skills. . 90 unique horses to race. . 3 groups of horses (divided by level) . 5 tracks. . 15 events. . System of buying and selling horses. . Reward system for each event. . Ranking with all the horses of the game. . Intuitive Controls . Clean interface . Training track. Join the world of horse racing and have fun!
